Nearly 500 drivers have supported the call for Regulation Time, conducted by the Taxi Sindicat de Catalunya (STAC ). The demonstration started just after 11:30 am, at the confluence of the streets Ronda Sant Pere / Pl. Urquinaona and has come to the Plaza Sant Jaume.

The protest was led by four taxis, engalardonados with posters calling for the whole sector to assist concentration and a large banner that read: Regulation Time, SI .
The meeting was developed in peaceful way and at the end of it was read a letter to the mayor of Barcelona and president of the WBA, Xavier Trias, in urging the Administration to take action to adopt some form of regulation. The text of the statement is as follows: The taxi industry is suffering a crisis for years without having taken any steps to balance supply with demand. There is an excessive number of overexploited licenses and our organization has requested a while some regulation Barcelona taxi sector. This type of regulation must aim only remove street cars for the rest to monetize their work. Many cities (Madrid, Bilbao, Cordoba, among others) have already taken steps to regulate the sector and even in Valencia, and despite being paralyzed by the judge, the taxi drivers have voted for Regulation Time. Barcelona need to adopt a measure to remove cars from the street and balance supply with demand. All sections of this country have been regulated , the cab also has to do. The Sindicat Taxi de Catalunya (STAC ) has called on the administration for years the implementation of Regulation Time as a fundamental measure to balance supply and demand. Today we MANIFEST to require the Administration to implement a type of regulation that Time dignify our profession and make it more profitable. 16 hours for all is our proposal. REGULATION TIME . SI After delivery of the manifest to Chief Cabinet Eduard Freixedes, president of IMET, the manifestation is dissolved. During the march, and as the demonstration passed by the various hotels whose custodians charge fees taxi drivers shouting such asyou charge no darted Today !
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