in 1 dain 1 day!
My congratulations! You are in Barcelona! It is perfect place to relax, shopping, enjoying life!
Sure, there are a lot of interesting sightseeing, which everyone should visit! But what to do if you are here only for one day? Unfortunately, one day for Barcelona is not enough, but we will try to visit as much as possible. How to manage your time right not to miss anything breathtaking? Read here!
In this article there is a plan for visiting Barcelona in one day. The purpose was to include the most important legendary historical cultural sites! Barcelona is a place where it is not possible to remain indifferent.

Let´s start our trip with the heart of Barcelona, the place without which no one could imagine Barcelona. This Barcelona´s treasure is Sagrada Familia. Sagrada Familia is the most colossal Antoni Gaudi´s masterpiece. It is still in the process of being finished! You can easily get here using metro Sagrada Familia. Any exit there will bring you to the cathedral. You can visit not only the cathedral itself (it takes you about 2 hours), bout also a permanent exhibition on the master´s work. From October to March the input is open from 9.00 to 18.00, and from April to September from 9.00 to 20.00. To visit Barcelona for one day we don’t have enough time to hang out Barcelona on foot, that’s why go to subway from Diagonal to Rambla de Catalunia. On the corner of 115 on this street you will find a church, called Parròquia de Sant Ramon de Penyafort. It was built in XIV century. This church is not popular, but worth to see. If do you want to explore altar neogótico of 1950 and the work of Claudi Rius, you should remember that its opening hours are at 1 p.m. or in the evening after 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Going down the La Rambla, going to Carrer d’Arago, where you should turn to go to Passeig de Gracia. Exactly there you will find two buildings that we are interested in. The first one is Casa Batlló, the second one is Casa Milá. The houses number 41 and 43. Antonio Gaudi created it. Casa Batlló was just like a simple house. But later on in 1904-1906 it was reconstructed on request Josep Batlló i Casanoves. Catalans call it Casa dels Ossos, because of its shapes. It remains bones. Since 2001 there is a museum and after that it is recognized as UNESCO World Heritage Site. There side by side you will find Casa Milá. It was built during 1906-1912. Another name is La Pedrera. Here at first Antonio Gaudi first time used a huge quantity of supporting columns. This way he could fancy arches. In 1984 it was recognized as World Heritage Site.

After that going down to Passeig de Gracia. Turn there left and that go along the avenue Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes to Carrer Roger de Lluria. We need the opposite site of the street. That along Carrer Roger de Lluria gp to Carrer Casp. There is located Casa Calvet, 1898-1900. This building has a name of its customer Pedro Martir Calvet the owner of the textile factory. In the façade of the building immediately you will find Guadi´s work. If you go down the street or Carrer Bruc to Ronda de Sant Pere and turn right, in a few minutes we will be in the center of Plaça Catalunya. During the sunny days, here you can buy a special food for pigeons and feed them. It is an unforgettable little adventure. Because this little creatures get used to people and do not afraid of them. Some of the birds can sit down on you shoulder, head, and it is because of a handful of goodies. From there by Avinguda del Portal de l’Angel,from where goes Carrer Cucunulla, there we should turn left to Carrer Arcs, left to Carrer Boters, going down a little Carrer Palla, we will find Carrer Bisbe, where turning to the left we will find Plaça Seu. There is a Catedral de la Santa Cruz y Santa Eulalia de Barcelona. Its foundation was started in 1298. The building lasted for 2 hundred years. It was finished to 1420. Everything here is worth seeing - and bas-relief above the entrance, the interior, the main altar, stained glass and do not forget to pay attention to the keystones. After the exit from the Catedral de la Santa Cruz y Santa Eulalia de Barcelona. Go it around by Carrer dels Comptes and turn to Carrer Pietat. Because it is a Barrio Gótico. Here every stone has a part of history.
So, we are on the Carrer Bisbe again. Let’s go by it to square Sant Jaume.The ancient one in town. There we will find the Government of Catalonia. On the square usually city’s fiestas are held, including “castellers” (human towers). Along the squareis Carrer Ferran, going by it wee will find Carrer Vidre. This narrow passage goes to Plaça Reial in the center of which you will find Gaudi’s lights. In the tine of Fernand VII powering it was planned to call “Heroes' Square in Spain”.

If someone wants, you can exit from the square on Rambla and walk through it to the sea to the Columbu’s monument. On the opposite site you will see the Museu Marítim The museum is closed on Mondays, the 1st and the 6th of January and 25-26 of December. The tickets are sold from 10a.m. till 7:30 p.m. But if you came on Sunday after 3 p.m. the temporal exhibitions are free!
Soon is going to be evening and the coolness of the sea started to be felt. Going up by Rambla to the metro station Drassanes (for those who did not go to the monument of Columb and to the Museu Marítim- go in the direction of the sea ) and go two stops to Espanya. This way now we are on the Plaza España that was construed in 1929 by (Ildefons Cerdà i Sunyer) as the beginning of the roads, leading from Barcelona in a suburban area at the time. Now we are at the foot of Montjuich Mountain. Where due to the beginning of World Fair in 1929 was created of Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC), Torres Venecianas, which departs from Avinguda Reina María Cristina and in the end (Palacio Nacional is located. In the end of Avinguda María Cristina we will find charming fountains. They were created by Carlos Buigas, the son of the Columba’s monument. Fountains were damaged during the Civil War in 1937 and did not used till 1955. After being repaired and restoration they again charming as with their beauty and magic!