Enjoy your life! It's short! Barcelona can offer you the wide diversity of cultural experience! Many great painters and artists worked here at some time and their influence is still evident throughout Barcelona.Barcelona is home to masterpieces of many great architects. While you're on the beach you can sample some of the best seafood the Mediterranean.
Saturday, 30 November 2013
Spain-Barcelona pro-European Union protests 2013
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Dear compatriots and not heartless people in Barcelona!
Дорогі співвітчизники і всі небайдужі жителі Барселони!
Ми не можемо стояти осторонь в той час, коли на теренах нашої держави відбувається такі важливі для нашої історії події!
Люди не можуть більше терпіти такого ставлення до себе і до своїх дітей, коли держава зневажає і не дбає про своїх громадян!
Ми повинні висловити свою волю і прагнення бути ближчими до своїх близьких і друзів!
Ми за Євроінтеграцію!
30/11/13 о 12 годині ми чекаємо на Вас біля Саграда Фамілія на всіх небайдужих!
Не забудьте українську символіку!

Люди не можуть більше терпіти такого ставлення до себе і до своїх дітей, коли держава зневажає і не дбає про своїх громадян!
Ми повинні висловити свою волю і прагнення бути ближчими до своїх близьких і друзів!
Ми за Євроінтеграцію!
30/11/13 о 12 годині ми чекаємо на Вас біля Саграда Фамілія на всіх небайдужих!
Не забудьте українську символіку!
Dear compatriots and not heartless people in Barcelona!
Today is important day for Ukraine and its population! We can’t stand apart when our friends and families suffer from the heads of the our country. People can’t wait and do nothing while disrespect behavior to them and their children. We must defend our rights and take up the cudgels for our compatriots!
We are for European integration!
30/11/13 о 12 p.m. we are waiting for you to stay on our rights near Sagrada Familia for everyone who takes care of their future.
Take with you Ukrainian symbols!

We are for European integration!
30/11/13 о 12 p.m. we are waiting for you to stay on our rights near Sagrada Familia for everyone who takes care of their future.
Take with you Ukrainian symbols!
Regulacíon horaria en Barcelona
Nearly 500 drivers have supported the call for Regulation Time, conducted by the Taxi Sindicat de Catalunya (STAC ). The demonstration started just after 11:30 am, at the confluence of the streets Ronda Sant Pere / Pl. Urquinaona and has come to the Plaza Sant Jaume.

The protest was led by four taxis, engalardonados with posters calling for the whole sector to assist concentration and a large banner that read: Regulation Time, SI .
The meeting was developed in peaceful way and at the end of it was read a letter to the mayor of Barcelona and president of the WBA, Xavier Trias, in urging the Administration to take action to adopt some form of regulation. The text of the statement is as follows: The taxi industry is suffering a crisis for years without having taken any steps to balance supply with demand. There is an excessive number of overexploited licenses and our organization has requested a while some regulation Barcelona taxi sector. This type of regulation must aim only remove street cars for the rest to monetize their work. Many cities (Madrid, Bilbao, Cordoba, among others) have already taken steps to regulate the sector and even in Valencia, and despite being paralyzed by the judge, the taxi drivers have voted for Regulation Time. Barcelona need to adopt a measure to remove cars from the street and balance supply with demand. All sections of this country have been regulated , the cab also has to do. The Sindicat Taxi de Catalunya (STAC ) has called on the administration for years the implementation of Regulation Time as a fundamental measure to balance supply and demand. Today we MANIFEST to require the Administration to implement a type of regulation that Time dignify our profession and make it more profitable. 16 hours for all is our proposal. REGULATION TIME . SI After delivery of the manifest to Chief Cabinet Eduard Freixedes, president of IMET, the manifestation is dissolved. During the march, and as the demonstration passed by the various hotels whose custodians charge fees taxi drivers shouting such asyou charge no darted Today !
Sunday, 24 November 2013
Own business in Barcelona
Are there any requirements about the building where my company is established?
Be sure, that there are some requirements that should be satisfied! The first things you should pay attention to are fire safety, development plan, permits etc. Camara de Comercio will ask it! Don’t miss! The types of entity! Which one suits exactly to your demands?
The most famous are:
• Limited company (Sociedad Limitada, S.L.)
• Sole proprietorship (Autonomo or Empresario Individual)
• General partnership (Comunidad de Bienes) Limited company (Sociedad Limitada, S.L.) is one of the cheapest foundation to open and it requires you €3005,06. Without that you couldn’t start something! Making ready your company plan! It is necessary for and required at Camara de Comercio. Next things should be discussed before the initiating company: feasibility study and a marketing plan, extensive description of your concept, market research. Are there any problems with the making-ready of business plan to initiate your own idea in Spain you could receive high qualified help at SECOT. By the way, if you are less than 35, go to the SECOT ant take free classes of how to make-ready yourself for the rules of cruel business in Barcelona. Needed to mention that after the crisis in this country made it difficult, somehow like a real challenge to get the loan unless you haven't a property or salary! But cheer up and do it!
Saturday, 23 November 2013
How to start your own business in Barcelona?
Start your own business in Barcelona!
On this blog you will find useful advice how to open your own business in Barcelona, how to manage the difficult problems, who can help?
Below you will find some examples of required documents, some tips about the different kinds of running business in Spain, what in general do you need to start it. In addition you will read about advantages and disadvantages of doing business in Barcelona.
Why is it good for you to start your own business in Barcelona?
Spain is a great place to start own business and to live. It is a country with a marvelous weather, good climate, pleasant people, old culture with its traditions, a lot of holidays and celebrations! Unfortunately during past years you could find that bureaucracy here is higher than in other countries in Europe. So, it will take time to prepare all the things!
Spain provide with the support people who wants to start their own business. What's more, if you are younger than 35 Spain have a special organization that helps you to start your own business.
Ideas what to start?
Start your business with rent apartments and sell houses! Barcelona is really attractive place for tourists. It means that a lot of apartments are required, especially during the tourist season in Barcelona! So, to start with, you should have a lot of patience and dwell. Here you will find a useful tips! or HERE
Friday, 22 November 2013
How to survive in Barcelona during CHRISTMAS holidays, when everything is almost closed?
Which restaurants are opened for Christmas ?
The plenty of restaurants are opened for Christmas for 25th December and 26th of December. As everyone know, Barcelona is number one touristdestination, that's why the industry of restaurant is always serves clients during Christmas holidays in Spain. It means, you will not starve here in Barcelona, you could find almost every type of restaurant you want. By the way, one more advise is to book the table in the restaurant! And in the end, be ready for hight price...
In the list below you could find the restaurants that work during the Christmas holidays in Barcelona: Restaurants in Barcelona
What tourist sites and attractions will be opened in Barcelona during Christmas?
Later here you will find the list of tourist destinations.
Magic Fountain
Sagrada familia
Casa Mila (La Pedrera)
Casa Batlló
Picasso Museum
Even they are closed don't hesitate to visit them because there you will find great tourist experience being in Barcelona. Even if you areoutside, just take a look of it, because it is marvellous.
Which art galleries and museums are open during Christmas holidays?
These links will provide you with the further information about destinations. It is about Barcelona's museums and galleries.
Public transport during Christmas holiday period?
TMB transport official website |
What's about public transportation will support you during your staying in Barcelona for Christmas holidays and what are the operating hours? Go to this link and help yourself understand Barcelona better. TMB transport official website
Useful tips during the Christmas Period
What do you think about the hotels in Barcelona? Yes, they are really luxure, but at the same time cost a lot. So, what to do, how to deal with that problem? We have a great idea for you! Why not to try to rent apartments instead of hotels n Barcelona for staying? The problem is that a lot of tourist think only about hotels. Why not to take apartment accommodation, which offers you own kitchen, lounge, bathroom, badroom for the price less than only one hotel's room in Barcelona. Do you have any questions, so watch it. APARTMENTS IN BARCELONA
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Christmas Eve and New Year in Barcelona
New Year celebration in Barcelona!! 2014
New Year celebration in Barcelona!! 2014
La Rambla |
In Spain locals call New Year “la nochevieja”. They mean “old night”. In Barcelona in the end of the December, the 31st people are together to celebrate the evening dish and to have a desire. How do you think which dishes do they have on their table? Guess what, of course a lot of seafood, they are crazy about that! In addition to that, they enjoy other meal too, for example, they like vegetable broths,casseroles, roast suckling piglets. When it is going closer to 12 a.m., people always keep together on the streets and are looking forward till the midnight. Here in Barcelona you will find some interesting thing about their tradition. They have very interesting one. You have to eat 12 grapes during the time along with the 12 ‘gongs of the bells’ of clock. It is counted like the sign for good luck for the New Year. What is about young people? As usually nothing new, they are usually celebrating New Year with their friends. They admire to party until the sunrise and drink one special national drink is Spain well known as cava, for tourists it is easier to understand – Spanish champagne. With that staff they finish their celebration! In Barcelona you will see some fireworks throughout the city, but it is not their habit to celebrate New Year this way.
12 grapes |
La Rambla is the one of the most greatest places in Barcelona! Everyone know it! Just walk down this street and feel Barcelona! More places that “must done” are masterpiece works of Gaudi. These places have charming aura and fascinating history! Be sure it will surprise you!
Best opportunities for New Year’s Eve 2014 in Barcelona- in the capital of Catalonia
While you are in Barcelona you should not worry about accommodation! Barcelona city offers you a huge variety of hotels, restaurants in general any facilities you want!
Saturday, 16 November 2013
Festa Major de Gracia!
Festa Major de Gracia |
Casa Vincens |
own history and a huge amount of elderly people, this diversity create wonderful atmosphere of looking how its inhabitants walk around the streets. Ones of the most crowded and lively places of the Gracia are the squares. Let´s go to some of them! If do you look for some place where to go to it- Gracia’s districts are the perfect places! It is heaps of restaurants and cafes. In these lovely restaurants and cafes you can have a dinner, drink or whatever you want. Let’s start from the first square Virreina Square, which is located near the compelling Sant Joan church. Virreina Square has 3 terraces located on this square and they are always cowded. In the centre of the Virreina Square, there were children playing with the ancient waterpump. Next is the Diamant Square, this place is not so crowded as the Virreina Squere, there was only one terrace, Diamant restaurant. The food there is really good, but unfortunately not cheap. You 100 percent must Placa Del Sol. Placa Del Sol is one of the favorites of the locals! The atmosphere was there marvelous and you can even take in nightclubs on this square. There you could find the Gaudi’s masterpiece of in the district Gracia, also known Casa Vincens, a house built in 1888. Casa Vincens is the building that was the important one of his creature and it is a family residence. One more important thing about the Casa Vincens – it is for sale ! Unfortunately, people can’t visit this place, but it is definitely worth a visit! There you will find a luxury five-star hotel, named Casa Fuster, where one night stars about €250. Pretty good! Is not it? It is the modernism’s splendid masterpiece and it is ranked as the most expensive buildings ever made in Barcelona.
Placa Del Sol |
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